The media blitz that followed the announcement of her double mastectomy would have worn down greater souls, but sources reveal that Angelina Jolie wouldn’t have it any other way; publicizing her surgery had been on the cards all along.
“She waited to find the perfect timing in her personal and professional life, but I think most importantly in her soul. She is intensely private, but she calculated the moment when she would be ready to reveal something so personal.
One fine day last May, Angelina greeted the press with an announcement that required a different kind of bravery; one that trumped the accusations of superfluousness that women of the entertainment industry are generally charged with. The news of Angelina Jolie’s double mastectomy sparked off immense discussion around the globe, and the positivity that she received in the aftermath of the announcement is what helped healed the diva, according to her Beverly Hills surgeon, Dr. Kristi Funk.
In conversation with a Los Angeles magazine, the surgeon who treated the actress divulged, “She waited to find the perfect timing in her personal and professional life, but I think most importantly in her soul. She is intensely private, but she calculated the moment when she would be ready to reveal something so personal.”
In conversation with a Los Angeles magazine, the surgeon who treated the actress divulged, “She waited to find the perfect timing in her personal and professional life, but I think most importantly in her soul. She is intensely private, but she calculated the moment when she would be ready to reveal something so personal.”
Going public with an issue this personal couldn’t have been easy for the actress, as seconded by Dr. Funk, “When someone who is arguably the most beautiful woman in the world removes the part of her body that is symbolic of femininity and sexuality, you have to say, ‘Why would she do that?’” The furore that greeted the news wasn’t hard to predict, however that did little to deter Angelina; “She knew always that in her philanthropic core she couldn’t keep this a secret and be who she is. She always knew,” sums up Dr. Funk.
The 38 year old actress who has a history of breast cancer in her family was informed that she had 87% chances of falling prey to the same illness, which prompted her to undergo a double mastectomy, which was consequently announced to the world in an op-ed piece written for the New York Times.
Some Sexy Pics of the Sexy siren post her surgery:-
A fan made painting :-
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